Lester Ingber's Archive

Lester Ingber, Ph.D. (Theoretical Physics)

physicist with interdisciplinary expertise and interests importance-sampling life

[Lester Ingber] https://www.ingber.com/ [QR]

[Physical Studies Institute LLC] https://www.PhysicalStudiesInstitute.org

[Caltech Alumnus] http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~ingber

General Information

E-mail queries may be addressed to

My Primary 3rd Party Media

[LinkedIn] https://www.linkedin.com/in/ingber
[Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/ingber.lester
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/LesterIngber
[Orcid] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1502-3910[Orcid-QR]

SSL access, the enforced default, is through
https://www.ingber.com .

This archive is a sampling of my 100+ publications. Limited help assisting people with queries on my codes and papers is available only by electronic mail correspondence. Sorry, but given that this site has 1000's hits/day, I cannot mail out hardcopies of code or papers.

[PSI] Physical Studies Institute LLC (PSI) , CEO Lester Ingber, develops and consults on projects in several areas of expertise documented in the ingber.com InterNet archive. Terms of use, downloading policies, and consulting/contracting are discussed in
ingber_terms.html .
Donations to support PSI research, and pre-arranged payments for services, can be made online:
via PayPal (here you also can use a credit card without a PayPal account) at

Note that I regularly address short technical queries via email, at no charge. See
originally made for now-defunct (circa 2015) Google Helpouts.

Some recent projects are discussed in
psi_computational_physics_group.html .

Physical Studies Institute (PSI) was a 501(c)(3) nonprofit scientific and educational California corporation I founded in 1970 and kept in operation through 1991.

From 1980-1986, PSI was an independent agency account of the Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences (IPAPS) at UC San Diego. From 1970-1978 I personally funded and administrated the Institute for Study of Attention (ISA) High School, a subsidiary of PSI, developing and publishing an educational methodology emphasizing restructuring of standard text material to enhance personal learning strengths. We offered over 30 courses in academics, fine arts and physical disciplines (Karate and T'ai Chi).

In February 2020, I created the Oregon LLC "Physical Studies Institute LLC"; at the same time I also created the DBA/ABN "Physical Studies Institute" to this LLC.

Through PSI, from 1981-1986 I helped administrate another subsidiary, Conservatory of Ballet Arts Company (CBAC), consisting of over 100 students, and an active dancing group of about 30. CBAC was founded by my wife, Louise Ingber, an accomplished Ballet dancer. Since 2005, she has since founded Creek House Patisserie LLC (CHP) which offers online Creek House Chocolates; see
[Louise Ingber 1971] https://www.CreekHouseChocolates.com/about
Louise's book can be downloaded from

Her YouTube channel containing several of her Ballet productions is

At my Github site
I have several repositories containing various levels of code: {adaptive-simulated-annealing, COVID-19, EEG_qCa, [q]MAXIMA, [q]PATHINT, [q]PATHTREE, spline-Laplacian, TRD}.

Categories of research files in this / directory are

Additional Files and Information

See utils_file_formats.txt for some links to information on gzip, PostScript, PDF, tar, and shar utilities. See utils_code.html for additional references to files and instructions for retrieval of utilities for DOS, MAC, UNIX, and VMS systems, e.g., ghostscript, gzip, pgp (containing my PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK), unshar, uudecode, unix2dos, zip, etc. Note that gzip will expand .gz, .Z, and .zip files (not .zip archives).

private/ is a "blind" directory which cannot be viewed using `ls` or `dir`, although files can be downloaded via WWW if you know their names.

This is a UNIX system, and all file names are case sensitive. Files that end in .gz (gzip), .zip (zip), or .exe (DOS) are in binary format. Therefore, before retrieving these files, be sure your browser is set to handle binary transfer.

Note that files that contain a .ps are PostScript files (after expanding as appropriate, which can result in an expansion by a factor of 10 for some files); these will require a PostScript viewer or printer. Portable Document Format files have a .pdf suffix and can be viewed with Adobe acroread or some PostScript viewers.

Unmanaged VPS
ingber.com is run on an unmanaged linux virtual private server (VPS) machine. Lester Ingber is responsible for all software maintenance. This machine is monitored externally, and in case of a crash, full service should be restored quickly, i.e., less than an hour.


[LesterCIT62] [Sigma Pi Sigma] [Sigma Xi]

Lester Ingber's Curriculum Vitae

1-page summary of Lester Ingber's Curriculum Vitae

Brief 3-page CV

Projects and interests are described in

Additional information related to some projects is in

In this archive I have listed only papers accessible on the internet. All my references are given in bibtex and refer format for over 100 papers and books in
ingber.bib.html (html-bibtex format)
ingber.ref.html (html-refer format)
ingber.bib (bibtex format)
ingber.end (endnote format)
ingber.ref (refer format)
ingber.ris (refman format)
ingber.xml (xml format)

[XSEDE] From Feb 2013 through Sep 2021 I was a Principal Investigator for The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, XSEDE.org . I used these supercomputer resources to develop projects in computational physics and neuroscience, as discussed in

[SBU] From May 2021 I have been Principal Investigator for StonyBrook.edu supercomputer Ookami . I have used these supercomputer resources to develop projects in computational physics and neuroscience, as discussed in
for calculating Implied Volatilties (using ASA optimization) and fair Options pricing for all strikes.

Also see L. Ingber, "Developing bid-ask probabilities for high-frequency trading," Virtual Economics 3 (2), 7-24 (2020)

for High-Frequency Trading algorithms.

[BTHS Alumni] I'm an alumnus of Brooklyn Technical High School (BTHS) class of 1958.

[Caltech Alumni] I'm an alumnus of California Institute of Technology (Caltech) class of 1962 (Physics).

ingber82_LegendsOfCaltech.pdf reports another "incident"
%A L. Ingber
%T The OXY cornerstone
%B Legends of Caltech
%E W.A. Dodge, Jr.
%E R.B. Moulton
%E H.W. Sigworth
%E A.C. Smith, Jr.
%I Alumni Association, California Institute of Technology
%C Pasadena, CA
%D 1982
%P 28
%O ISBN 0-215-12345-X. URL https://www.ingber.com/ingber82_LegendsOfCaltech.pdf

ingber12_EandS.pdf classmate reports Les(ter) in Chem Lab
%A Anonymous
%T Endnotes
%J (Caltech) Engineering and Science
%V 75
%D 2012
%P 44
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/ingber12_EandS.pdf

[UCSD Alumni] I'm an alumnus of UC San Diego (UCSD) Graduate School class of 1967 (Theoretical Nuclear Physics).

[UCB Alumni] I'm an alumnus of UC Berkeley (UCB), National Science Foundation (NSF) Physics Postdoctoral Fellow 1967-1968 (transferred second year to UC Los Angeles (UCLA)).

[American Mensa] Since 2008 I have been a member of American Mensa.



[Lester Ingber] Lester Ingber, 8th Dan
[JKA] I'm an alumnus of Japan Karate Association (JKA)/All American Karate Federation (AAKF) Instructor/Sensei School class of 1968 (the first JKA-AAKF class).

[Lester Ingber Black Belt]

This file is a collection of notes and edited replies to some postings and e-mail on karate.

karate.txt is an ASCII-formatted version of this file.

Lester Ingber letter to Marvel Comics re Hulk violation of physics
Stony Brook, NY
circa 1970

[Lester Ingber 1972]karate72_encinitas.jpg
Lester Ingber photo
Encinitas, CA
30 Mar 1972

%A L. Ingber
%T Editorial: Learning to learn
%J Explore
%V 7
%P 5-8
%D 1972
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/karate72_learning.pdf

Links smni72_learning.pdf with karate72_learning.pdf.

This set of courses includes my course using physics and attentional approaches to karate which was taught in my dogos, as well as in this UCSD course, since 1968. My 1976 book just below includes my 1968 "Physics of Karate Techniques" Instructor's thesis for my JKA/AAKF Instructor's degree, as well as my techniques developed to promote the learning of attentional skills in parallel with this physics approach to the learning of traditional physical skills.

%A L. Ingber
%T The Karate Instructor's Handbook
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.-Institute for the Study of Attention
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1976
%O OCR-scanned with figures. URL https://www.ingber.com/karate76_book.html

karate76_book.txt is an ASCII-formatted version of this file without .jpg figures.

karate76_cover.gif is a .gif rendering of the cover.

karate76_cover_back.gif is a .gif rendering of the back cover.

A few of my own books in new condition are on EBay under seller ingber00.

The 134 combinations and 16 two-person combinations in Appendix 4 are representative of over 5000 combinations I created and taught from about 1969-1985. Unfortunately, the collection was lost in one of several moves, along with many other documents. This includes the loss of multiple manuscripts, e.g., Principles of Nature, described in the Epilogue to this text, which ran quite a few hundred pages in length. On 5 Nov 2008 I added the Epilogue which I scanned from one of the few remaining texts in my possession.

%A L. Ingber
%T Karate: Kinematics and Dynamics
%I Unique
%C Hollywood, CA
%D 1981
%O ISBN 0-86568-025-6. OCR-scanned text-only version of this book. URL https://www.ingber.com/karate81_book.txt

karate81_cover.gif is a .gif rendering of the cover.

A few of my own books in new condition are on EBay under seller ingber00.

%A L. Ingber
%T Attention, physics and teaching
%J Journal Social Biological Structures
%V 4
%P 225-235
%D 1981
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni81_attention.pdf
(This file may only be shared for research.)

This paper describes a methodology and implementation of teaching a full curriculum of academics, fine arts and physical disciplines, also tested as described in smni72_learning.pdf, based in part on a similar methodology I developed for teaching karate, in turn based on my brain research.

Links smni81_attention.pdf with karate81_attention.pdf

1982 Training Videos
Below are VHS converted tapes of a karate camp with five 1st Dan Black Belt students in the Summer of 1982, emphasizing sparring exercises which were eventually published in Elements of Advanced Karate, karate85_book.html below. To make these files reasonable size they were converted to 320x240. (The files still are quite large at about 200MB each.) The sound is quite a bit out of sync with the video a lot of the time due to the device used to capture the VHS recording. The sequence of files below follows the order of training sessions, each about 1.5 hours, in this special camp.
As in any person-person combat, important intense events can take place within what often superficially appears to a non-interacting observer as a flow of somewhat ordinary movement. It takes some patience to view several hours of actual classes to see and appreciate crucial moments in these exercises that reflect the gradual influence of advanced training.
These videos can be viewed on my youtube account, where they have been cut into playable parts less than 14 minutes each.

%A L. Ingber
%T Elements of Advanced Karate
%I Ohara
%C Burbank, CA
%D 1985
%O ISBN 0-89750-127-6. OCR scanned with photos. URL https://www.ingber.com/karate85_book.html

Note the video files above that recorded development of these exercises in 1982.

karate85_book.txt is an ASCII-formatted version of this file without .jpg photos.

karate85_cover.pdf and karate85_cover.ps.gz is a PDF or PostScript rendering of the photo on the cover;

karate85_cover.gif is a .gif rendering of karate85_cover.ps.

karate85_cover.txt is a coarse ASCII rendering of karate85_cover.ps.

karate85_photo.jpg is a jpeg (.jpg) rendering of a photo taken at the same time as karate85_cover.ps.

A few of my own books in new condition are on EBay under seller ingber00.

%A L. Ingber
%T Keri No Kata
%J Shotokan Research Society International (SRSI)
%V 1
%N 4
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/karate00_keri_no_kata.html

Keri No Kata is a kicking form, containing many different kicking and other leg techniques in a context of full sparring interactions.

When accessed via WWW, karate00_keri_no_kata.html loads 1 MByte of photos.





Help With Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) Optimization

Optimization is often required for many systems, ranging from simple to complex descriptions., e.g., to fit models to data. A general class of optimization algorithms is included under the heading of importance sampling. A subset of this class is simulated annealing which, if applied correctly, comes with a mathematical proof that optimal solutions will be found with some statistical certainty.

Please read the ASA-README.[] file which is provided with the code and separately online in pdf, gzip'd ps, txt, and html formats. Especially pay attention to Sections "Use of Documentation for Tuning" and "Simulated Annealing is NOT Simulated Quenching"

The learning curve for proper use of ASA -- and other general importance-sampling that are useful for many classes of systems -- is quite steep, and you may require some help getting started. I can consult/contract with you to get started or even work with you towards completion of your optimization/importance-sampling project. See ingber_terms.html for more information on this choice.

A short one-minute video describes the origins of ASA:
or view on YouTube at

Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA)
%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA)
%R Global optimization C-code
%I Caltech Alumni Association
%C Pasadena, CA
%D 1993
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/#ASA-CODE

ASA code is listed on
[SourceForge.net] https://sourceforge.net/projects/asa-caltech/
[code.google.com] https://code.google.com/p/adaptive-simulated-annealing
[github.com] https://github.com/ingber/adaptive-simulated-annealing

HTML version of the ASA-README file included with the current ASA-30.53 code. Cross-references are local to this file, so you may view it under a local browser.

PDF ASA-README.pdf and gzip-compressed PostScript ASA-README.ps files included with the current ASA-30.53 code.

ASCII ASA-README file included with the current ASA-30.53 code.

gzip tarfile of the current ASA-30.53 code. All files expand into directory ASA.

zip file of the current ASA-30.53 code. All files are processed for DOS format. All files expand into directory ASA.

List of major recent changes in ASA.

Addendum to the NOTES file in the ASA code, listing some patents and papers that have used ASA or its precursor VFSR.

This contains instructions for retrieval of the ASA code.

This is an addendum to the NOTES file in the ASA code, giving some code contributed by users that may be useful to others. I have included my first Very Fast Simulated Re-annealing (VFSR) code prepared in 1987, RATFOR vfsr.r and vfsr_com.r code (unsupported), subsequently compiled into FORTRAN to run on a Lawrence Livermore supercomputer.

This is an addendum to the NOTES file in the ASA code, giving some examples of use of the ASA code.

This is a simple flow chart of the ASA code.


asa89_vfsr.pdf and asa89_vfsr.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Very fast simulated re-annealing
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 12
%N 8
%P 967-973
%D 1989
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa89_vfsr.pdf

asa92_mnn.pdf and asa92_mnn.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Generic mesoscopic neural networks based on statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Physical Review A
%V 45
%N 4
%P R2183-R2186
%D 1992
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni92_mnn.pdf

Links smni92_mnn.pdf with smni92_mnn.ps.gz, asa92_mnn.pdf and asa92_mnn.ps.gz

asa92_saga.pdf and asa92_saga.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A B. Rosen
%T Genetic algorithms and very fast simulated reannealing: A comparison
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 16
%N 11
%P 87-100
%D 1992
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa92_saga.pdf

asa93_sapvt.pdf and asa93_sapvt.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Simulated annealing: Practice versus theory
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 18
%N 11
%D 1993
%P 29-57
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa93_sapvt.pdf

asa96_lessons.pdf and asa96_lessons.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive simulated annealing (ASA): Lessons learned
%J Control and Cybernetics
%V 25
%N 1
%P 33-54
%D 1996
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa96_lessons.pdf

Invited paper to a special issue of Control and Cybernetics on "Simulated Annealing Applied to Combinatorial Optimization." The listing of other contributors to this special issue is in asa96_vidal_nahorski.txt

%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) and Path-Integral (PATHINT) Algorithms: Generic Tools for Complex Systems
%R ASA-PATHINT Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2001
%O Invited talk U Calgary, Canada, April 2001. URL https://www.ingber.com/asa01_lecture.pdf

asa01_lecture.pdf and asa01_lecture.ps.gz offers an alternative PDF or PostScript format.

Links asa01_lecture.html with asa01_lecture.pdf, asa01_lecture.ps.gz, path01_lecture.html, path01_lecture.pdf and path01_lecture.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

%A A.F. Atiya
%A A.G. Parlos
%A L. Ingber
%T A reinforcement learning method based on adaptive simulated annealing
%B Proceedings International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWCAS), December 2003
%C Cairo, Egypt
%D 2003
%P 121-124
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa03_reinforce.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Ideas by statistical mechanics (ISM)
%R Report 2006:ISM
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2006
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni06_ism.pdf

ISM integrates previous projects to model evolution and propagation of ideas/patterns throughout populations subjected to endogenous and exogenous interactions. A short version appears as "AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)" in the Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 58-64 (2008) [ https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/ideas-statistical-mechanics/10226 ], and in "Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)", Journal of Integrated Systems Design and Process Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 31-54 (2007), Special Issue: Biologically Inspired Computing [ https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.5555/1517398.1517402 ].

Links smni06_ism.pdf with asa06_ism.pdf and markets06_ism.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive Simulated Annealing
%B Stochastic global optimization and its applications with fuzzy adaptive simulated annealing
%E H.A. Oliveira, Jr.
%E A. Petraglia
%E L. Ingber
%E M.A.S. Machado
%E M.R. Petraglia
%I Springer
%C New York
%D 2012
%P 33-61
%O Invited Paper. https://www.ingber.com/asa11_options.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Forecasting COVID-19 with importance-sampling and path-integrals
%J Global Journal Human-Social Science
%P 1-9
%V 21
%N 9
%D 2021
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa21_covid.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Global Journal Human-Social Science
%P 1-12
%V 21
%N 6
%D 2021
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf

Links smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf with asa21_hybrid_smni.pdf, path21_hybrid_smni.pdf, quantum21_hybrid_smni.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Parameters in Quantum Systems
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 6.2
%P 12-14
%D 2024
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf

Links asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf with { smni24_quantum_parameters.pdf , quantum24_quantum_parameters.pdf , markets24_quantum_parameters.pdf }



combat85_smart.pdf and combat85_smart.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics algorithm for response to targets (SMART)
%B Workshop on Uncertainty and Probability in Artificial Intelligence: UC Los Angeles, 14-16 August 1985
%I American Association for Artificial Intelligence
%C Menlo Park, CA
%D 1985
%P 258-264
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat85_smart.pdf

combat86_approach.pdf and combat86_approach.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Nonlinear nonequilibrium statistical mechanics approach to C3 systems
%B 9th MIT/ONR Workshop on C3 Systems: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2-5 June 1986
%P 237-244
%D 1986
%C Cambridge, MA
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat86_approach.pdf

combat91_data.pdf and combat91_data.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A H. Fujio
%A M.F. Wehner
%T Mathematical comparison of combat computer models to exercise data
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 15
%N 1
%P 65-90
%D 1991
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat91_data.pdf

Links combat91_data.pdf and combat91_data.ps.gz with path91_data.pdf and path91_data.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

combat91_human.pdf and combat91_human.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A D.D. Sworder
%T Statistical mechanics of combat with human factors
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 15
%N 11
%D 1991
%P 99-127
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat91_human.pdf

combat93_c3sci.pdf and combat93_c3sci.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of combat and extensions
%B Toward a Science of Command, Control, and Communications
%E C. Jones
%I American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
%C Washington, D.C.
%D 1993
%P 117-149
%O ISBN 1-56347-068-3. URL https://www.ingber.com/combat93_c3sci.pdf

This summarizes a series of papers started in 1985, which led to the baselining of JANUS(T) simulation to National Training Center (NTC) data.

combat97_cmi.pdf and combat97_cmi.ps.gz
%A M. Bowman
%A L. Ingber
%T Canonical momenta of nonlinear combat
%B Proceedings of the 1997 Simulation Multi-Conference, 6-10 April 1997, Atlanta, GA
%I Society for Computer Simulation
%C San Diego, CA
%D 1997
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat97_cmi.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical Mechanics of Combat (SMC): Mathematical Comparison of Computer Models to Exercise Data
%R SMC Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2001
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat01_lecture.pdf

combat01_lecture.pdf and combat01_lecture.ps.gz offers an alternative PDF or PostScript format.

%A L. Ingber
%T Biological impact on military intelligence: Application or metaphor?
%J International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
%V 5
%N 3
%P 173-185
%D 2015
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat15_milint.pdf

Links smni15_milint.pdf with combat15_milint.pdf





The TRD code as it used, with some updates, in L. Ingber, "Trading in Risk Dimensions (TRD)," Report 2005:TRD, Physical Studies Institute LLC, Ashland, OR, (2005). [ URL markets05_trd.pdf ] is listed in https://www.ingber.com/private/CODE/TRD_2015 .

Note that this code was also used as described in L. Ingber, "Trading in Risk Dimensions," in The Handbook of Trading: Strategies for Navigating and Profiting from Currency, Bond, and Stock Markets, edited by G.N. Gregoriou (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2010), p. 287-300.

markets84_statmech.pdf and markets84_statmech.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of nonlinear nonequilibrium financial markets
%J Mathematical Modelling
%V 5
%N 6
%P 343-361
%D 1984
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets84_statmech.pdf

markets90_interest.pdf and markets90_interest.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanical aids to calculating term structure models
%J Physical Review A
%V 42
%N 12
%D 1990
%P 7057-7064
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets90_interest.pdf

markets90_interest was the first paper on finance published in Physical Review.

markets91_interest.pdf and markets91_interest.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A M.F. Wehner
%A G.M. Jabbour
%A T.M. Barnhill
%T Application of statistical mechanics methodology to term-structure bond-pricing models
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 15
%N 11
%D 1991
%P 77-98
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets91_interest.pdf

markets96_brief.pdf and markets96_brief.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Trading markets with canonical momenta and adaptive simulated annealing
%R Report 1996:TMCMASA
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C McLean, VA
%D 1996
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets96_brief.pdf

This paper gives relatively non-technical descriptions of ASA and canonical momenta, and their applications to markets and EEG. The paper was solicited by AI in Finance prior to cessation of their publication.

markets96_momenta.pdf and markets96_momenta.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Canonical momenta indicators of financial markets and neocortical EEG
%B Progress in Neural Information Processing
%E S.-I. Amari, L. Xu, I. King, and K.-S. Leung
%I Springer
%C New York
%P 777-784
%D 1996
%O Invited paper to the 1996 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'96), Hong Kong, 24-27 September 1996. ISBN 981 3083-05-0. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets96_momenta.pdf

Tables of data supporting this paper are given in markets96_momenta_tbl.txt.gz

markets96_lag_cmi.c contains C-code for the Lagrangian cost function described in /markets96_momenta.ps.gz to be fit to data. Also included is code for the CMI derived from this Lagrangian.

This paper advances the work described in markets96_trading.ps.gz. A brief introduction to canonical momenta is included in ingber_projects.html

markets96_trading.pdf and markets96_trading.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of nonlinear nonequilibrium financial markets: Applications to optimized trading
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 23
%N 7
%P 101-121
%D 1996
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets96_trading.pdf

markets98_smfm_appl.pdf and markets98_smfm_appl.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Some Applications of Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 1998
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets98_smfm_appl.pdf

markets98_lecture.pdf and markets98_lecture.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of financial markets (SMFM)
%R SMFM Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 1998
%O Update invited talk to U of Chicago Financial Mathematics Seminar, 20 Nov 1998. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets98_lecture.pdf

markets99_spread.pdf and markets99_spread.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T A simple options training model
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 30
%P 167-182
%D 1999
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets99_spread.pdf

markets99_vol.pdf and markets99_vol.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A J.K. Wilson
%T Volatility of volatility of financial markets
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 29
%P 39-57
%D 1999
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets99_vol.pdf

markets00_exp.pdf and markets00_exp.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A J.K. Wilson
%T Statistical mechanics of financial markets: Exponential modifications to Black-Scholes
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 31
%N 8/9
%P 167-192
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets00_exp.pdf

Links markets00_exp.pdf and markets00_exp.ps.gz with path00_exp.pdf and path00_exp.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

markets00_highres.pdf and markets00_highres.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T High-resolution path-integral development of financial options
%J Physica A
%V 283
%N 3-4
%P 529-558
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets00_highres.pdf

Links markets00_highres.pdf and markets00_highres.ps.gz with path00_highres.pdf and path00_highres.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

%A L. Ingber
%A R.P. Mondescu
%T Optimization of Trading Physics Models of Markets
%D 2001
%V 12
%N 4
%P 776-790
%J IEEE Trans. Neural Networks
%O Invited paper for special issue on Neural Networks in Financial Engineering. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets01_optim_trading.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A C. Chen
%A R.P. Mondescu
%A D. Muzzall
%A M. Renedo
%T Probability tree algorithm for general diffusion processes
%J Physical Review E
%V 64
%N 5
%P 056702-056707
%D 2001
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path01_pathtree.pdf

My PATHTREE algorithm, like my PATHINT code, accurately propagates quite generally nonlinear multiplicative-noise probability distributions defined as a path integral, but PATHTREE is very fast and very easy to implement.

Links path01_pathtree.pdf with markets01_pathtree.pdf

Also see [q]PATHTREE-CODE .

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets (SMFM): Applications to Trading Indicators and Options
%R SMFM Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2001
%O Invited talk U Calgary, Canada, April 2001. Invited talk U Florida, Gainesville, April 2002. Invited talk Tulane U, New Orleans, January 2003. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets01_lecture.pdf

markets01_lecture.pdf and markets01_lecture.ps.gz offers an alternative PDF or PostScript format.

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of portfolios of options
%D 2002
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets02_portfolio.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A R.P. Mondescu
%B Intelligent Internet-Based Information Processing Systems
%T Automated internet trading based on optimized physics models of markets
%E R.J. Howlett
%E N.S. Ichalkaranje
%E L.C. Jain
%E G. Tonfoni
%I World Scientific
%C Singapore
%D 2003
%P 305-356
%O Invited paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets03_automated.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Trading in Risk Dimensions (TRD)
%R Report 2005:TRD
%D 2005
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets05_trd.pdf

Also see TRD-CODE .

A shorter updated paper with this title appears in the Handbook of Trading: Strategies for Navigating and Profiting from Currency, Bond, and Stock Markets published by McGraw-Hill (2010). Only the Table of Contents and the Abstract appear in https://www.ingber.com/markets05_trd.pdf , as the publisher has requested all previous markets_trd_report.pdf papers be removed from the internet. (This report is not online and is occasionally updated. Contact me for more information.)

A pdf of the TRD section of the ppt presentation is in


%A L. Ingber
%T Ideas by statistical mechanics (ISM)
%R Report 2006:ISM
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%D 2006
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni06_ism.pdf

ISM integrates previous projects to model evolution and propagation of ideas/patterns throughout populations subjected to endogenous and exogenous interactions. A short version appears as "AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)" in the Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 58-64 (2008) [ https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/ideas-statistical-mechanics/10226 ], and in "Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)", Journal of Integrated Systems Design and Process Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 31-54 (2007), Special Issue: Biologically Inspired Computing [ https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.5555/1517398.1517402 ].

Links smni06_ism.pdf with asa06_ism.pdf and markets06_ism.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Real Options for Project Schedules (ROPS)
%R Report 2007:ROPS
%D 2007
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets07_rops.pdf

An updated invited paper is published in SGI Reflections International Journal of Science, Technology & Management (2010). URL https://sgi.ac.in/colleges/newsletters/1146080820111637301.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral quantum PATHTREE algorithm
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 3
%N 5
%P 1-39
%D 2016
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path16_quantum_path.pdf

Links path16_quantum_path.pdf with smni16_quantum_path.pdf and markets16_quantum_path.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Evolution of regenerative Ca-ion wave-packet in neuronal-firing fields: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 4
%N 2
%P 14-22
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf

Links path17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf with smni17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf and markets17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf

Supplemental Graphs for this project are in path17_quantum_pathint_shocks_supp.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Options on quantum money: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 4
%N 2
%P 7-13
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_quantum_options_shocks.pdf

Links path17_quantum_options_shocks.pdf with markets17_quantum_options_shocks.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Path-Integral qPATHINT Algorithm
%J The Open Cybernetics Systemics Journal
%V 11
%P 119-133
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_qpathint.pdf

Links path17_qpathint.pdf with smni17_qpathint.pdf and markets17_qpathint.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience
%R Lecture Plates 2018:QVFN
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint_lecture.pdf

Links path18_qpathint_lecture.pdf with smni18_qpathint_lecture.pdf and markets18_qpathint_lecture.pdf

Headers are in color to enable easy identification of sub-headers, etc. However, a black and white version is available by request.

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience II
%R Report 2018:FNQV
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint.pdf

Links path18_qpathint.pdf with smni18_qpathint.pdf and markets18_qpathint.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum path integral for financial options
%R Report 2018:QPIO
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets18_quantum_options.pdf

Links path18_quantum_options.pdf with markets18_quantum_options.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Developing bid-ask probabilities for high-frequency trading
%J Virtual Economics
%V 3
%N 2
%P 7-24
%D 2020
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets19_bid_ask_prob.pdf

Links path19_bid_ask_prob.pdf with markets19_bid_ask_prob.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of financial markets
%V 307
%D 2021
%J E3S Web Conference
%P 04001-04012
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets21_hybrid_smfm.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202130704001

Links markets21_hybrid_smfm.pdf with quantum21_hybrid_smfm.pdf, path21_hybrid_smfm.pdf, asa21_hybrid_smfm.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance
%R Report: 2022:QVIF
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Hillsboro, OR
%D 2022
%O https://www.ingber.com/markets22_quantum_options.pdf

Links markets22_quantum_options.pdf with quantum22_quantum_options.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Parameters in Quantum Systems
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 6.2
%P 12-14
%D 2024
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf

Links asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf with { smni24_quantum_parameters.pdf , quantum24_quantum_parameters.pdf , markets24_quantum_parameters.pdf }




%A L. Ingber
%T Non-adiabatic corrections to the method of stationary states
%J Phys. Rev. A
%V 139
%P 35-39
%D 1965
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear65_nonadiabatic.pdf
(This file may only be shared for research.)

This was my first publication in a physics journal.

%A L. Ingber
%T One-meson-exchange potentials and properties of nucleon-nucleon scattering and of nuclear matter
%R Ph.D. Thesis
%I UC San Diego
%C La Jolla, CA
%D 1967
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear67_ThesisPhD.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Nuclear Forces
%J Physical Review
%V 174
%P 1250-1263
%D 1968
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear68_forces.pdf
(This file may only be shared for research.)

The 1968 paper nuclear68_forces.pdf above is based on my 1967 Ph.D. thesis.

Three papers from 1983-1986 calculated a contribution to the binding energy of nuclear matter induced by nonlinearities of realistic momentum-dependent nucleon-nucleon interactions, enhancing calculations I published in the 1960's based on my 1967 Ph.D. thesis (e.g., the 1968 paper nuclear68_forces.pdf above). Those calculations used such interactions to detail properties of nucleon-nucleon scattering, deuteron bound state, nuclear matter, and neutron stars.

%A L. Ingber
%T Riemannian corrections to velocity-dependent nuclear forces
%J Physical Review C
%V 28
%P 2536-2539
%D 1983
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear83_riemann.pdf
(This file may only be shared for research.)

nuclear84_riemann.pdf and nuclear84_riemann.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral Riemannian contributions to nuclear Schrodinger equation
%J Physical Review D
%V 29
%P 1171-1174
%D 1984
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear84_riemann.pdf

nuclear86_riemann.pdf and nuclear86_riemann.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Riemannian contributions to short-ranged velocity-dependent nucleon-nucleon interactions
%J Physical Review D
%V 33
%P 3781-3784
%D 1986
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear86_riemann.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Revisiting our quantum world
%B Technological Breakthroughs and Future Business Opportunities in Education, Health, and Outer Space
%E A. Hooke
%I IGI Global
%C Hershey, PA
%D 2021
%P 1-16
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/quantum20_techcast.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Global Journal Human-Social Science
%P 1-12
%V 21
%N 6
%D 2021
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf

Links smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf with asa21_hybrid_smni.pdf, path21_hybrid_smni.pdf, quantum21_hybrid_smni.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of financial markets
%V 307
%D 2021
%J E3S Web Conference
%P 04001-04012
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets21_hybrid_smfm.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202130704001

Links markets21_hybrid_smfm.pdf with quantum21_hybrid_smfm.pdf, path21_hybrid_smfm.pdf, asa21_hybrid_smfm.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum calcium-ion affective influences measured by EEG
%J Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics
%V 8
%N 1
%P 15-21
%D 2022
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/quantum20_affective.pdf

Note that the published paper did NOT include the Figure, which is in this copy; I did not catch their error in time to correct this.
Links smni20_affective.pdf with quantum20_affective.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance
%R Report: 2022:QVIF
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Hillsboro, OR
%D 2022
%O https://www.ingber.com/markets22_quantum_options.pdf

Links markets22_quantum_options.pdf with quantum22_quantum_options.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%R Parameterization of quantum systems
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Warrenton, OR
%D 2023
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni23_quantum_parameterization.pdf

Links smni23_quantum_parameterization.pdf with quantum23_quantum_parameterization.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Parameters in Quantum Systems
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 6.2
%P 12-14
%D 2024
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf

Links asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf with { smni24_quantum_parameters.pdf , quantum24_quantum_parameters.pdf , markets24_quantum_parameters.pdf }




Papers markets84_statmech.pdf, markets91_interest.pdf and smni91_eeg.pdf contain an Appendix giving a compact derivation of the path-integral Lagrangian representation equivalent to the Langevin rate-equation and Fokker-Planck/Schroedinger-type representations for multivariate systems with nonlinear drifts and diffusions.


The PATHINT code as it was used in L. Ingber and P.L. Nunez, "Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: High resolution path-integral calculation of short-term memory," Physical Review E 51 (5), 5074-5083 (1995). [ URL smni95_stm.pdf ] is listed in https://www.ingber.com/private/CODE/PATHINT_1995_STM .

Note that modifications of this code also were used in L. Ingber and J.K. Wilson, "Volatility of volatility of financial markets," Mathematical Computer Modelling 29 (5), 39-57 (1999). [ URL markets99_vol.pdf ] and in L. Ingber, R. Srinivasan, and P.L. Nunez, "Path-integral evolution of chaos embedded in noise: Duffing neocortical analog," Mathematical Computer Modelling 23 (3), 43-53 (1996). [ URL path96_duffing.pdf ] and in (for precursor of this code) L. Ingber, H. Fujio, and M.F. Wehner, ``Mathematical comparison of combat computer models to exercise data,'' Mathematical Computer Modelling 15 (1), 65-90 (1991). [ URL https://www.ingber.com/combat91_data.pdf ]


The PATHTREE code as it was used in L. Ingber, C. Chen, R.P. Mondescu, D. Muzzall, and M. Renedo, "Probability tree algorithm for general diffusion processes," Physical Review E 64 (5), 056702-056707 (2001). [ URL https://www.ingber.com/path01_pathtree.pdf ] is listed in https://www.ingber.com/private/CODE/PATHTREE_2002 .

See psi_computational_physics_group.html .

%A L. Ingber
%T Noise-induced extrema in time-dependent Ginsburg-Landau systems
%J Math. Modelling
%V 7
%P 525-528
%D 1986
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path86_GinsburgLandau.pdf

path91_data.pdf and path91_data.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A H. Fujio
%A M.F. Wehner
%T Mathematical comparison of combat computer models to exercise data
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 15
%N 1
%P 65-90
%D 1991
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat91_data.pdf

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

Links combat91_data.pdf and combat91_data.ps.gz with path91_data.pdf and path91_data.ps.gz

path94_stm.pdf and path94_stm.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Path-integral evolution of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 49
%N 5B
%D 1994
%P 4652-4664
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni94_stm.pdf

Higher resolution calculations performed with a supercomputer are presented in path95_stm.pdf (Links smni95_stm.pdf and smni95_stm.ps.gz with path95_stm.pdf and path95_stm.ps.gz )

Links smni94_stm.pdf and smni94_stm.ps.gz with path94_stm.pdf and path94_stm.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

path95_nonl.pdf and path95_nonl.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral evolution of multivariate systems with moderate noise
%J Physical Review E
%V 51
%N 2
%P 1616-1619
%D 1995
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path95_nonl.pdf

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

path95_stm.pdf and path95_stm.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: High resolution path-integral calculation of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 51
%N 5
%P 5074-5083
%D 1995
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_stm.pdf

Links smni95_stm.pdf and smni95_stm.ps.gz with path95_stm.pdf and path95_stm.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

path96_duffing.pdf and path96_duffing.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A R. Srinivasan
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Path-integral evolution of chaos embedded in noise: Duffing neocortical analog
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 23
%N 3
%P 43-53
%D 1996
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path96_duffing.pdf

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

path98_datamining.pdf and path98_datamining.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Data mining and knowledge discovery via statistical mechanics in nonlinear stochastic systems
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 27
%N 3
%P 9-31
%D 1998
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path98_datamining.pdf

path00_exp.pdf and path00_exp.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A J.K. Wilson
%T Statistical mechanics of financial markets: Exponential modifications to Black-Scholes
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 31
%N 8/9
%P 167-192
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets00_exp.pdf

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

Links markets00_exp.pdf and markets00_exp.ps.gz with path00_exp.pdf and path00_exp.ps.gz

path00_highres.pdf and path00_highres.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T High-resolution path-integral development of financial options
%J Physica A
%V 283
%N 3-4
%P 529-558
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets00_highres.pdf

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

Links markets00_highres.pdf and markets00_highres.ps.gz with path00_highres.pdf and path00_highres.ps.gz

%A L. Ingber
%A C. Chen
%A R.P. Mondescu
%A D. Muzzall
%A M. Renedo
%T Probability tree algorithm for general diffusion processes
%J Physical Review E
%V 64
%N 5
%P 056702-056707
%D 2001
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path01_pathtree.pdf

Also see [q]PATHTREE-CODE .

My PATHTREE algorithm, like my PATHINT code, accurately propagates quite generally nonlinear multiplicative-noise probability distributions defined as a path integral, but PATHTREE is very fast and very easy to implement.

Links path01_pathtree.pdf with markets01_pathtree.pdf .

%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) and Path-Integral (PATHINT) Algorithms: Generic Tools for Complex Systems
%R ASA-PATHINT Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Hillsboro, OR
%D 2001
%O Invited talk U Calgary, Canada, April 2001. URL https://www.ingber.com/asa01_lecture.pdf

path01_lecture.pdf and path01_lecture.ps.gz, offers an alternative PDF or PostScript format.

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

Links asa01_lecture.html, asa01_lecture.pdf and asa01_lecture.ps.gz, with path01_lecture.html, path01_lecture.pdf and path01_lecture.ps.gz

%A L. Ingber
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Neocortical Dynamics at Multiple Scales: EEG Standing Waves, Statistical Mechanics, and Physical Analogs
%J Mathematical Biosciences
%D 2010
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path10_multiple_scales.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mbs.2010.12.003

This paper includes PATHINT evolution of probability distributions of columnar activity with explicit oscillatory firings, and integration of such mesoscopic processes with global brain EEG activity.

Links smni10_multiple_scales.pdf with path10_multiple_scales.pdf.

%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral quantum PATHTREE algorithm
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 3
%N 5
%P 1-15
%D 2016
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path16_quantum_path.pdf

Links path16_quantum_path.pdf with smni16_quantum_path.pdf and markets16_quantum_path.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Evolution of regenerative Ca-ion wave-packet in neuronal-firing fields: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 4
%N 2
%P 14-22
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf

Links path17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf with smni17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf and markets17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf

Supplemental Graphs for this project are in path17_quantum_pathint_shocks_supp.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Options on quantum money: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 4
%N 2
%P 7-13
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_quantum_options_shocks.pdf

Links path17_quantum_options_shocks.pdf with markets17_quantum_options_shocks.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Path-Integral qPATHINT Algorithm
%J The Open Cybernetics Systemics Journal
%V 11
%P 119-133
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_qpathint.pdf

Links path17_qpathint.pdf with smni17_qpathint.pdf and markets17_qpathint.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience
%R Lecture Plates 2018:QVFN
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint_lecture.pdf

Links path18_qpathint_lecture.pdf with smni18_qpathint_lecture.pdf and markets18_qpathint_lecture.pdf

Headers are in color to enable easy identification of sub-headers, etc. However, a black and white version is available by request.

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience II
%R Report 2018:FNQV
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint.pdf
Links path18_qpathint.pdf with smni18_qpathint.pdf and markets18_qpathint.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum path integral for financial options
%R Report 2018:QPIO
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_quantum_options.pdf

Links path18_quantum_options.pdf with markets18_quantum_options.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Developing bid-ask probabilities for high-frequency trading
%R Report 2019:DBAP
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2019
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets19_bid_ask_prob.pdf

Links path19_bid_ask_prob.pdf with markets19_bid_ask_prob.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Global Journal Human-Social Science
%P 1-8
%V 21
%N 6
%D 2021
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf

Links smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf with asa21_hybrid_smni.pdf, path21_hybrid_smni.pdf, quantum21_hybrid_smni.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of financial markets
%V 307
%D 2021
%J E3S Web Conference
%P 04001-04012
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets21_hybrid_smfm.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202130704001

Links markets21_hybrid_smfm.pdf with quantum21_hybrid_smfm.pdf, path21_hybrid_smfm.pdf, asa21_hybrid_smfm.pdf





The spline-Laplacian code as it was used in L. Ingber, ``Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Large- scale EEG influences on molecular processes,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology (2016). [ URL smni16_large-scale_molecular.pdf ] is listed in https://www.ingber.com/private/CODE/spline-Laplacian_2015 .

%A L. Ingber
%T Editorial: Learning to learn
%J Explore
%V 7
%P 5-8
%D 1972
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni72_learning.pdf

Links smni72_learning.pdf with karate72_learning.pdf.

%A L. Ingber
%T Attention, physics and teaching
%J Journal Social Biological Structures
%V 4
%P 225-235
%D 1981
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni81_attention.pdf
(This file may only be shared for research.)

This paper describes a methodology and implementation of teaching a full curriculum of academics, fine arts and physical disciplines, also tested as described in smni72_learning.pdf, based in part on a similar methodology I developed for teaching karate, in turn based on my brain research.

Links smni81_attention.pdf with karate81_attention.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Towards a unified brain theory
%J Journal Social Biological Structures
%V 4
%P 211-224
%D 1981
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni81_unified.pdf
(This file may only be shared for research.)

%A Lester Ingber
%T Prediction of neural implants
%B The Reader
%C Del Mar, CA
%D 8 Jan 1982
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni82_reader.pdf

smni82_basic.pdf and smni82_basic.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. I. Basic formulation
%J Physica D
%V 5
%P 83-107
%D 1982
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni82_basic.pdf

smni82_basic is a detailed mathematical presentation of smni81_unified.

smni83_dynamics.pdf and smni83_dynamics.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. Dynamics of synaptic modification
%J Physical Review A
%V 28
%P 395-416
%D 1983
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni83_dynamics.pdf

smni83_dynamics was the first paper on the brain published in Physical Review.

smni84_stm.pdf and smni84_stm.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. Derivation of short-term-memory capacity
%J Physical Review A
%V 29
%P 3346-3358
%D 1984
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni84_stm.pdf

The Appendix contains more details on calculations in the 1982 and 1983 SMNI papers.

smni85_eeg.pdf and smni85_eeg.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. EEG dispersion relations
%J IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering
%V 32
%P 91-94
%D 1985
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni85_eeg.pdf

smni85_stm.pdf and smni85_stm.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Stability and duration of the 7+-2 rule of short-term-memory capacity
%J Physical Review A
%V 31
%P 1183-1186
%D 1985
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni85_stm.pdf

smni91_eeg.pdf and smni91_eeg.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: A scaling paradigm applied to electroencephalography
%J Physical Review A
%N 6
%V 44
%P 4017-4060
%D 1991
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni91_eeg.pdf

smni92_mnn.pdf and smni92_mnn.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Generic mesoscopic neural networks based on statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Physical Review A
%V 45
%N 4
%P R2183-R2186
%D 1992
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni92_mnn.pdf

Links smni92_mnn.pdf and smni92_mnn.ps.gz with asa92_mnn.pdf and asa92_mnn.ps.gz

smni94_stm.pdf and smni94_stm.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Path-integral evolution of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 49
%N 5B
%D 1994
%P 4652-4664
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni94_stm.pdf

Higher resolution calculations performed with a supercomputer are in smni95_stm.pdf . (Links smni95_stm.pdf and smni95_stm.ps.gz with path95_stm.pdf and path95_stm.ps.gz )

Links smni94_stm.pdf and smni94_stm.ps.gz with path94_stm.pdf and path94_stm.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

smni95_images.pdf and smni95_images.ps.gz

%A L. Ingber
%T Multiple scales of brain-mind interaction
%J Behavioral and Brain Sciences
%V 18
%N 2
%P 360-362
%D 1995
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_images.pdf

Invited commentary on Images of Mind, by M.I. Posner and M.E. Raichle.

smni95_scales.pdf and smni95_scales.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of multiple scales of neocortical interactions
%B Neocortical Dynamics and Human EEG Rhythms
%E P.L. Nunez
%I Oxford University Press
%C New York, NY
%P 628-681
%D 1995
%O ISBN 0-19-505728-7. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_scales.pdf

smni95_stm.pdf and smni95_stm.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: High resolution path-integral calculation of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 51
%N 5
%P 5074-5083
%D 1995
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_stm.pdf

Links smni95_stm.pdf and smni95_stm.ps.gz with path95_stm.pdf and path95_stm.ps.gz

Also see [q]PATHINT-CODE .

smni95_stm40hz.pdf and smni95_stm40hz.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Constraints on 40 Hz models of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 52
%N 4
%D 1995
%P 4561-4563
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_stm40hz.pdf

smni96_eeg.pdf and smni96_eeg.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Multiple scales of EEG
%B Frontier Science in EEG: Continuous Waveform Analysis (Electroencephalography Clinical Neurophysiology Suppl. 45)
%E R.M. Dasheiff and D.J. Vincent
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%D 1996
%P 79-112
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni96_eeg.pdf

Invited talk to the Frontier Science in EEG Symposium, New Orleans, 9 Oct 1993. The listing of other contributors to this supplement is in smni96_dasheiff_vincent.txt

smni96_nonlinear.pdf and smni96_nonlinear.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Nonlinear nonequilibrium nonquantum nonchaotic statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Behavioral and Brain Sciences
%V 19
%N 2
%P 300-301
%D 1996
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni96_nonlinear.pdf

Invited commentary on Dynamics of the brain at global and microscopic scales: Neural networks and the EEG, by J.J. Wright and D.T.J. Liley.

smni97_cmi.pdf and smni97_cmi.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Canonical momenta indicators of electroencephalography
%J Physical Review E
%V 55
%N 4
%P 4578-4593
%D 1997
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni97_cmi.pdf

Raw EEG data used for this study can be freely downloaded, as described in smni97_eeg_data.html and https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/EEG+Database

Additional results (tables of ASA-fitted parameters and 60 files containing 240 PostScript graphs) are contained in smni97_eeg_cmi.tar.gz .

smni97_lecture.pdf and smni97_lecture.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI)
%R SMNI Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 1997
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni97_lecture.pdf

smni98_cmi_test.pdf and smni98_cmi_test.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Training and testing canonical momenta indicators of EEG
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 27
%N 3
%P 33-64
%D 1998
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni98_cmi_test.pdf

Raw EEG data used for this study can be freely downloaded, as described in smni97_eeg_data.html

Additional results (tables of ASA-fitted parameters and 60 files containing 240 PostScript graphs) are contained in smni97_eeg_cmi.tar.gz

smni99_g_factor.pdf and smni99_g_factor.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Reaction time correlates of the g factor
%J Psycholoquy
%V 10
%N 068
%D 1999
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni99_g_factor.pdf

Invited commentary on The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability by Arthur Jensen.

A link to this and other commentaries in html format, and the abstract to the precis by Jensen, followed by ASCII-formatted versions of my commentary and his reply, are in smni00_jensen.txt

smni00_eeg_rt.pdf and smni00_eeg_rt.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: EEG correlates of reaction times
%B Proceedings World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, July 23-28, 2000
%I World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
%C Chicago, IL
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni00_eeg_rt.pdf

smni00_eeg_stm.pdf and smni00_eeg_stm.ps.gz
%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: EEG eigenfunctions of short-term memory
%J Behavioral and Brain Sciences
%V 23
%N 3
%P 403-405
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni00_eeg_stm.pdf

Invited commentary on Toward a Quantitative Description of Large-Scale Neocortical Dynamic Function and EEG, by P.L. Nunez.

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical Mechanics of Neocortical Interactions (SMNI): Multiple Scales of Short-Term Memory and EEG Phenomena
%R SMNI Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2001
%O Invited talk U Calgary, Canada, April 2001. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni01_lecture.pdf

smni01_lecture.pdf and smni01_lecture.ps.gz offers an alternative PDF or PostScript format.

%A L. Ingber
%T Ideas by statistical mechanics (ISM)
%R Report 2006:ISM
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2006
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni06_ism.pdf

ISM integrates previous projects to model evolution and propagation of ideas/patterns throughout populations subjected to endogenous and exogenous interactions. A short version appears as "AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)" in the Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 58-64 (2008) [ https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/ideas-statistical-mechanics/10226 ], and in "Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)", Journal of Integrated Systems Design and Process Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 31-54 (2007), Special Issue: Biologically Inspired Computing [ https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.5555/1517398.1517402 ].

Links smni06_ism.pdf with asa06_ism.pdf and markets06_ism.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Portfolio of physiological indicators
%R Report 2006:PPI
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2006
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni06_ppi.pdf

A modified paper is published in The Open Cybernetics Systemics Journal, vol. 3(14), pp. 13-26 (2009), URL https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874110x00903010013

PPI is used in the context of developing experimental data for testing theories of neocortical interactions in an invited paper referenced below, "Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI): Testing theories with multiple imaging data" in smni08_tt.pdf below.

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Time delays
%R Report 2007:TD
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2007
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni07_timedelays.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI): Testing theories with multiple imaging data
%J NeuroQuantology Journal
%V 6
%N 2
%D 2008
%P 97-104
%O Invited paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni08_tt.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Columnar EEG
%R Report 2009:CEEG
%I Physical Studies Institute
%D 2009
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni09_columnar_eeg.pdf

This early report considered oscillations in quasi-linearized Euler-Lagrange equations. The subsequent study in smni09_nonlin_column_eeg.pdf considers the full nonlinear system and gives more background and implications of the calculations. The study after that in smni10_multiple_scales.pdf includes definitive calculations using PATHINT to evolve multivariate probability distributions of firing states.

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Nonlinear columnar electroencephalography
%J NeuroQuantology Journal
%V 7
%N 4
%P 500-529
%D 2009
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni09_nonlin_column_eeg.pdf

The next study in smni10_multiple_scales.pdf includes definitive calculations using PATHINT to evolve multivariate probability distributions of firing states.

%A L. Ingber
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Neocortical Dynamics at Multiple Scales: EEG Standing Waves, Statistical Mechanics, and Physical Analogs
%J Mathematical Biosciences
%D 2010
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni10_multiple_scales.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mbs.2010.12.003

This paper includes PATHINT evolution of probability distributions of columnar activity with explicit oscillatory firings, and integration of such mesoscopic processes with global brain EEG activity.

Links smni10_multiple_scales.pdf with path10_multiple_scales.pdf.

%A L. Ingber
%T Computational algorithms derived from multiple scales of neocortical processing
%B Pointing at Boundaries: Integrating Computation and Cognition on Biological Grounds
%E A. Pereira, Jr.
%E E. Massad
%E N. Bobbitt
%I Springer
%C New York
%D 2011
%O Invited Paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni11_cog_comp.pdf and https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12559-011-9105-4

%A L. Ingber
%T Columnar EEG magnetic influences on molecular development of short-term memory
%B Short-Term Memory: New Research
%E G. Kalivas
%E S.F. Petralia
%D 2012
%P 37-72
%I Nova
%C Hauppauge, NY
%O Invited Paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni11_stm_scales.pdf
(This file may only be shared for research.)

%A L. Ingber
%T Influence of macrocolumnar EEG on Ca waves
%J Current Progress Journal
%D 2012
%V 1
%N 1
%P 4-8
%D 2012
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni12_vectpot.pdf

%A P.L. Nunez
%A R. Srinivasan
%A L. Ingber
%E M.M. Pesenson
%T Theoretical and experimental electrophysiology in human neocortex: Multiscale correlates of conscious experience
%B Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics: From genes to the brain
%D 2013
%P 149-178
%I Wiley
%C New York
%O URL https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9783527671632.ch06

This report is not online as a reprint. Contact me for more information.

smni13_eeg_ca_lect.pptx and smni13_eeg_ca_lect.pdf
%A L. Ingber
%R Report 2013:LFIC
%T Electroencephalographic (EEG) influence on Ca2+ waves: Lecture plates
%D 2013
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%O 2nd World Neuroscience Online Conference 18 June 2013. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni13_eeg_ca_lect.pptx and https://www.ingber.com/smni13_eeg_ca_lect.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A M. Pappalepore
%A R.R. Stesiak
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology
%T Electroencephalographic field influence on calcium momentum waves
%V 343
%P 138-153
%D 2014
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni14_eeg_ca.pdf and https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.11.002

Graphs and Supplemental Analysis for this project are in smni14_eeg_ca_supp.pdf
Reviews leading to publication of this paper, and some subsequent XSEDE.org, UCSD.edu and SDSC.edu Press Releases are in smni14_eeg_ca_JTB_reviews.txt . E.g., see https://www.sdsc.edu/News%20Items/PR041414_short_term_memory.html , and https://today.ucsd.edu/story/the_mechanism_of_short_term_memory .

A short 5-minute audio-slide presentation accompanies this paper smni14_eeg_ca_audio-slides.mp4
or slides only smni14_eeg_ca_slides.pdf

smni14_conscious_scales_lect.pptx and smni14_conscious_scales_lect.pdf
%A L. Ingber
%R Report 2014:LFIC
%T Influences on consciousness from multiple scales of neocortical interactions: Lecture plates
%D 2014
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%O 3rd World Neuroscience Online Conference 17 June 2014. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni14_conscious_scales_lect.pptx and https://www.ingber.com/smni14_conscious_scales_lect.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Biological Impact on Military Intelligence: Application or Metaphor?
%J International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
%V 5
%N 3
%P 173-185
%D 2015
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni15_milint.pdf

Links combat15_milint.pdf with smni15_milint.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Synergy among multiple scales of neocortical interactions
%R Report 2015:SCSM
%D 2015
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni15_synergy.pdf

This short paper is intended to be primarily an Executive Summary of previous papers smni14_eeg_ca.pdf and smni15_calc_conscious.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Calculating consciousness correlates at multiple scales of neocortical interactions
%B Horizons in Neuroscience Research
%E A. Costa
%E E. Villalba
%I Nova
%C Hauppauge, NY
%D 2015
%P 153-186
%O Invited paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni15_calc_conscious.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Large-scale EEG influences on molecular processes
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology
%V 395
%P 144-152
%D 2016
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni16_large-scale_molecular.pdf

Graphs for data used in this project are in smni16_large-scale_molecular_EEGgraphs.pdf

Also see SMNI-CODE .

%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral quantum PATHTREE and PATHINT algorithms
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 3
%N 5
%P 1-39
%D 2016
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path16_quantum_path.pdf

Links path16_quantum_path.pdf with smni16_quantum_path.pdf and markets16_quantum_path.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Evolution of regenerative Ca-ion wave-packet in neuronal-firing fields: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 4
%N 2
%P 14-22
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf

Links path17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf with smni17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf and markets17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf

Supplemental Graphs for this project are in path17_quantum_pathint_shocks_supp.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Path-Integral qPATHINT Algorithm
%J The Open Cybernetics Systemics Journal
%V 11
%P 119-133
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_qpathint.pdf

Links path17_qpathint.pdf with smni17_qpathint.pdf and markets17_qpathint.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience
%R Lecture Plates 2018:QVFN
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint_lecture.pdf

Links path18_qpathint_lecture.pdf with smni18_qpathint_lecture.pdf and markets18_qpathint_lecture.pdf

Headers are in color to enable easy identification of sub-headers, etc. However, a black and white version is available by request.

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience II
%R Report 2018:FNQV
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint.pdf

Links path18_qpathint.pdf with smni18_qpathint.pdf and markets18_qpathint.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Model of Models (MOM)
%R Report 2018:MOM
%D 2018
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni18_MOM.pdf

Note that a shortened version of this MOM paper is published as an Editorial in smni19_model-of-models.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum calcium-ion interactions with EEG
%J Sci
%V 1
%N 7
%P 1-21
%D 2018
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni18_quantumCaEEG.pdf and https://doi.org/10.3390/sci1010020

%A L. Ingber
%T Artificial intelligence, ideas by statistical mechanics, and affective modulation of information processing
%R Report 2019:AIISM
%D 2019
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni19_ismai.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Editorial: Model of Models (MOM)
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 2
%N 1
%P 21-22
%D 2019
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni19_model-of-models.pdf and https://www.actascientific.com/ASCS/pdf/quantum-classical-interactions-calcium-ions-and-synchronous-neural-firings.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum-Classical interactions: calcium ions and synchronous neural firings
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 2
%N 1
%P 13-20
%D 2019
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni19_quantum-classical.pdf and https://www.actascientific.com/ASCS/pdf/quantum-classical-interactions-calcium-ions-and-synchronous-neural-firings.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Global Journal Human-Social Science
%P 1-12
%V 21
%N 6
%D 2021
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf

Links smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf with asa21_hybrid_smni.pdf, path21_hybrid_smni.pdf, quantum21_hybrid_smni.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum calcium-ion affective influences measured by EEG
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/quantum20_affective.pdf
%J Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics
%V 8
%N 1
%P 15-21
%D 2022

Note that the published paper did NOT include the Figure, which is in this copy; I did not catch their error in time to correct this.
Links smni20_affective.pdf with quantum20_affective.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T From Lagrangian To Laplacian: An Example From EEG Standing Waves
%R Report 2022:LLESW
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Hillsboro, OR
%D 2022
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni22_Lagrangian-Laplacian.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Realistic Neural Networks
%J American Journal of Engineering Research
%V 11
%N 11
%P 8-10
%D 2022
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni22_realistic_neural_nets.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%R Parameterization of quantum systems
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Warrenton, OR
%D 2023
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni23_quantum_parameterization.pdf

Links smni23_quantum_parameterization.pdf with quantum23_quantum_parameterization.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Parameters in Quantum Systems
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 6.2
%P 12-14
%D 2024
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf

Links asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf with { smni24_quantum_parameters.pdf , quantum24_quantum_parameters.pdf , markets24_quantum_parameters.pdf }

%A L. Ingber
%R AI Parameterization of quantum systems
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Warrenton, OR
%D 2024
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni24_AI_quantum_parameters.pdf


Lester Ingber <lester@ingber.com>
Copyright © 1958-2024 Lester Ingber. All Rights Reserved.

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